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Discover Laujar de Andarax and Travel Almería

Laujar de Andarax is a village in the Alpujarra of Almeria with a lot of charm. He was chosen by different kings as a place of retirement or exile for the tranquility and peace that emanates. In Travel Almería we want to show you some monuments and sources that you can find during your visit.

Laujar de Andarax

The monuments of Laujar de Andarax

The Church of the Incarnation. 'La Catedral de la Alpujarra' is the most representative church and the oldest building in the municipality. It was built between 1682 and 1686 replacing the primitive that had been erected in 1530 on an old mosque. It is of Mudejar style. Its Baroque altarpiece, an Immaculate by Alonso Cano and paintings by the Dutch school stand out.

Iglesia de La Encarnación

The Alcazaba. With an area of 3600 m², this Arab construction was the residence of King Boabdil-The last Moorish King of Granada. Destroyed by Christians, today there is only a small piece of the fortification left.

City Hall. Of neoclassic style, it was built at the end of the XVIII century during the reign of Carlos III. It has three floors and a facade with three arches. It is located in the Plaza Mayor.

Ayuntamiento Laujar de Andarax

The Bridge of the Moors. An aqueduct in tapial and brick from the Muslim era that is very well preserved. Today, you will find it covered with grass, which gives it a bucolic aspect.

The House of the Moya. A house of hidalgos built in 1732. Today, only ruins remain. On the street Granada, 18.

Casa de Los Moya en Laujar de Andarax

The house of Francisco Villaespesa. The house of the journalist, dramatist, writer and poet is interesting because it was also the home of Abén Humeya, king of Los Moriscos.

Bullring. Of 1925 and with a capacity of 2500 people. A square through which countless important bullfighters have passed.

Laujar de Andarax. Nacimiento del río Andarax

The hermitage of Our Lady of Health. Built between the 17th and 18th centuries, it is Baroque in the interior and Mudejar in the exterior.

The hermitage of Las Ánimas. The nineteenth century is rectangular.

The hermitage Chica de las Ánimas. It is a small hermitage of the nineteenth century in baroque style and with two floors. It is dedicated to the Virgin of Carmen.

Laujar de Andarax

The convent of San Pascual de Baylon. It was built between the XVII and XVIII centuries in baroque style. In the 19th century it was used as a military barracks and later as a barracks for the Civil Guard. Today there are only ruins left.

Almost 20 fountains in Laujar de Andarax.

Laujar de Andarax has a large number of sources, also called pillars. They date from different times and have been preserved in the town as a tribute to water. You can find them easily thanks to a plan developed by the City Council.

Among them are the water source del Calvache, the water source de la Plaza Mayor, the water source de la Cañada, the water source de San Blas, the water source Barandilla, the water source of San Antonio, the water source of Barrio Bajo, the water source of la Mateana, the water source of los Gutiérrez, water source of Chocho and the water source of las Peñuelas, two springs and the Laundry of Barrio Bajo.

If you want to know more about Almeria and its towns, we invite you to discover us in Travel Almería.

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