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Privacy Policy


In accordance with article 13 of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter, "General Data Protection Regulation" or " GDPR "), we inform you of the following information regarding the use of cookies on this website:

- Identity and contact information of the person responsible for the treatment: The person responsible for the treatment is the Cultural Association for Innovation and the Promotion of Cultural Tourism Almería, Non-Profit Organization, with address at Calle Céspedes, 4-B 04002 Almería, Spain , and NIF G 04886586. Hereinafter Almería Tourism of Innovation.

- Legal basis of treatment: Consent of the interested party and compliance with legal obligation.

The legitimacy for the use of essential or technical cookies is given because the treatment is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation in accordance with Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

The legitimacy for the use of analytical, advertising, social network and behavioral advertising cookies is based on the consent requested, in accordance with Article 6.1.a ) of Regulation (EU) 2017/679.

International data transfers: Given that we are a Non-Profit Association, whose purposes include advertising the Almeria tourist destination, we also transmit your personal data to countries that do not belong to the European Economic Area ( EEA ) where data protection laws apply. They may be more lax than those in EEA countries . This may happen when: (1) we communicate your data to autonomous data controllers, such as airlines, hotels, car rental companies, travel agencies, etc. who may process your data outside the EEA in order for you to receive the requested services; or (2) we communicate your data to our service providers who act as data processors on our behalf and may be located in a country outside the EEA . When data is transmitted in this way, we ensure that it is in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy and the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission that ensure adequate protection of data subjects.

Countries that do not belong to the European Economic Area ( EEA ) but have an adequate level of data protection, in accordance with the "Adequacy Decisions" of the European Commission which recognize that some countries have adequate protection;

The interested party has the right to request from the Almería Tourism Innovation Association access to personal data relating to the interested party, its rectification or deletion, the limitation of its processing, to oppose the processing, as well as the right to data portability.

When the treatment is based on the consent of the interested party, the interested party has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

If you continue browsing this website, you accept the use of cookies for lawful purposes.

The interested party has the right to file a claim with a supervisory authority.

-The Almería Tourism Innovation Association may sometimes process data to make automated decisions, including profiling, with the purpose of sending the user offers based on their interests, provided that the user has consented to the processing with said purpose.

What are cookies and why do we use them?

In compliance with the provisions of article 22.2 of the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce ( LSSI ) and in accordance with the European Directive 2009/136/EC, the Almería Tourism Innovation Association informs you that this Website accepts the use of cookies. Cookies are small information files that websites, such as , send to your browser and allow us to "remember" information about your previous visit and your preferences and habits. This helps us make navigation easier for you and improve the usefulness that our site provides you, that is, they help us improve your experience when "diving" into .

To give you an example, cookies "remind" us of such basic and useful things as what your data is to automatically start your session without having to re-enter the username and password, what language you chose to navigate, what destinations are most popular for travelers. with search characteristics similar to yours or something as important as being able to show you advertising based on your browsing habits and trying to make it as interesting as possible.

The cookies used by this website are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer, and do not themselves provide the user's personal data, you can rest assured!

Many of the cookies we use are exempt from the obligation to inform you about them because they are "essential" in the opinion of the AEPD (for example session and user entry cookies that help you avoid having to fill out online forms in all the websites where you operate) but for others it is important that you are well informed and that is why it is necessary that you read this information. However, our commitment to our clients and associates is total: if you have any questions when reading this information, write to us and we will answer you as soon as possible: by mail to C/ Céspedes, 4-B 04002 Almería Spain, or by email to the address .

If you have any questions about cookies, you can also go to the following Interactive link Advertising Bureau in Spain: http:// / privacyeninternet / know

What cookies can you find on ?

First we have to tell you what types of cookies exist so that you can be informed. You have to keep in mind that on you can find both Tavelalmeria 's own cookies , established by ourselves, and third-party cookies, established by our partners, suppliers and collaborators and that allow you, for example, to interact with the advertising that you can find on our website. There are also session cookies and persistent cookies. The former collect and store data while you are on the website (for example, the shopping cart), the latter allow the data to remain stored and be accessible for a period of time.

Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through cookies is processed, on you can find the following types:

Essential or technical cookies: Without these we would not be able to work together and you would not be able to access all the functionalities of our website. They allow you to navigate through the Web and use the different options or services that exist there, such as, for example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted access parts, remembering the elements that make up an order, carry out the purchase process of an order, make a request for registration or participation in an event, use security elements while browsing or store content for the dissemination of videos or sound. Without cookies we would not know what services you have already purchased when you choose others (it helps us remember that you have chosen a hotel while searching for hotels, and so we do not have to charge you for each service individually and your experience improves on our Website).

Analysis or analytical cookies: These are those that, whether treated by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus carry out the measurement and statistical analysis of the use you make of the service offered: they allow us to understand how you interact with our Website. . Or what content and advertising campaigns are most attractive to you . In short, they allow us to know how we should advance the content that really interests you and how to make it as accessible as possible. To do this, we analyze your navigation on our website in order to improve the range of products or services that we offer you.

Advertising cookies: These are those that, well treated by us or by third parties, allow us to manage in the most efficient way possible the offer of advertising spaces on , adapting the content of the advertisement to the content of the requested service or the use. what you do on our website. To do this, we can analyze your Internet browsing habits and we can show you advertising related to your browsing profile.

Social network cookies: These are a type of technical cookies that allow you to share our content through the social networks of which you are a member. They are managed directly by the chosen social network and without them it would be impossible for you to share the information we show you with your friends and acquaintances.

Behavioral advertising cookies: These cookies allow us to store information about users' navigation throughout the same browsing session, presenting advertisements directly related to their interests or their previous searches on other websites.


Basic information on the processing of personal data

Data controller

Cultural Association for Innovation and the Promotion of Almería Cultural Tourism (Almería Tourism Innovation Association) C/ Céspedes, 4-B 04002 Almería, Spain. With commercial name Travel Almeria .

NIF G 04886586

Purpose of personal data processing

Clients and Associates of the Cultural Association for Innovation and Promotion of Cultural Tourism of Almería.  Provide the products and services offered by The Association and manage the accounts and relationship of The Association with its clients and associates. service providers : Manage travelalmeria 's accounts and relationship with its service providers.

Legal basis of treatment

  • Legitimate interest

  • Consent granted by clients/suppliers

  • Contractual compliance

Recipients of personal data

Associated companies and external service providers (hotel chains, airlines, wholesalers, etc. ) of the Association, regulatory and other authorities if required by law.

Legal rights

Rights of portability, access, rectification, limitation, deletion, opposition to processing and/or withdrawal of your consent.


From the Cultural Association for Innovation and the Promotion of Cultural Tourism of Almeria (hereinafter, The Association) registered in accordance with Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22 and Decree 152/2002, of May 21, by which approves the Regulations for the organization and operation of the Registry of Associations of Andalusia. Registered with number 6716 of Section 1 on June 12, 2018 and with address at C/Céspedes 4- 1B in Almería, Spain (hereinafter, The Association) we understand that the highest quality standards that we demand in all aspects of our products and services must undoubtedly be applied to the protection of the privacy of our clients and associates.

For this reason, The Association guarantees that it is its will, not only to strictly comply with the requirements of the applicable regulations (among others, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation or RGPD ) imposes the processing of your personal data, but to go further and ensure and protect your privacy to the extent possible.

In this document, you will find all the information necessary to understand how we manage and ensure your privacy.


As you know, The Association offers all kinds of tourist services through its website. But that is not the only tool to relate to you. In addition to the information and the offer on the website, The Association uses other means to be close to you and offer you in a comfortable way all the information you request from us. Therefore, we point out that this Privacy Policy is extensible to other communication bridges, other than our website , that we provide to you: social networks, newsletters, e-mails, SMS, mobile application, and other existing means of communication.

Living in a changing world like the current one, we recommend that you visit this Privacy Policy from time to time to check if there are any modifications and, at least, each time you book with us.


Depending on the relationship you decide to have with us, your data will serve the following purposes:

Reservations: we use your personal data to manage your online reservation, which includes sending it to suppliers, as well as to our customer service.

Improvement of our services: in order to take your opinion into account, The Association may use your data to request your opinion about your experience in any of the services that you have booked with us. To protect your privacy, the specific details you share with us, unless otherwise indicated by you, will not be transferred to the providers.

Likewise, we can use your data for analytical purposes to improve our services, as well as our online platforms.

Account administration: We offer the possibility of having a user account on our website. We use the information you provide us to manage the account, and thus comply with its maintenance and optimization. This way, you can manage the status of your reservations individually or through the Association manager assigned to your reservation, complete your invoices more quickly, enjoy special offers, book more easily and manage your personal settings, which allows you to create and share lists, review previously consulted accommodations, as well as your reservation history, and view other types of information you have provided about accommodations and destinations. It also allows you to see the comments you have submitted about the places you have stayed.

Marketing : In addition to the marketing actions carried out through cookies (you can access our Cookies Policy here), we use your data to send you newsletters adapted to your tastes, present you with content adapted to your interests, including segmented advertising (ads in third websites based on your preferences and interests), as well as to, in an aggregate manner, carry out market research to always offer you the latest in trends and travel.

Market research: On some occasions we may invite you to participate in some type of market research. Of course, we will not use personal data that we cannot aggregate and “ anonymize ” without your consent.

Fraud detection and prevention: To the extent required by law and good faith, we may use personal information to detect and prevent fraudulent, illegal or unwanted actions.

Advertising content : When you access a website or application that contains advertising spaces that broadcast one or more of our advertisements, it is likely that this advertisement contains one of our cookies. With your prior permission, it is likely that this cookie will be registered in the terminal, and thanks to this it will allow us to recognize the browser of your terminal during the validity period of the cookie in question. At The Association we integrate cookies in our advertisements that are distributed by third parties, and that result from the parameters of the browser software that you used when entering or visiting our official website. If, through the permissions and configuration established on your own terminal, you have authorized cookies to be registered there, these cookies will allow us, depending on the configuration selected by the client:

  • Count the number of views and activations of our advertising content distributed through third-party web sites and applications.

  • Identify these contents on web sites and applications.

  • Determine the number of users who have clicked on each content.

  • Calculate the amounts owed to each of the parties involved in the advertising dissemination chain (advertising agency, marketing department, dissemination website) and thus establish the relevant statistics.

  • Adapt the presentation of the website to which one of our advertising content is carried, according to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, screen resolution, operating system, etc. ) when you visit our website and in accordance with the hardware and programs viewing or reading that uses your terminal; depending on the location data (longitude and latitude) that is transmitted to us by your terminal with prior consent; as well as follow the future exploration carried out by your terminal on other sites and web applications or other advertising content.

We inform you that your data will be kept for the duration of your relationship with The Association and only for the time necessary to manage any incidents or responsibilities arising from their processing, in compliance at all times with the deadlines provided for by the applicable legal provisions.


The most common legal bases for processing your data are your own consent (for example to receive our newsletter) or the contractual execution of the product or service that you have agreed with us.

By legal obligation, the different States with which your relationship with The Association has some type of connection may require us to process the data in a certain way (for example, in tax or border matters).

Notwithstanding the above, there may be situations in which, exceptionally, the legal basis for processing is legitimate interest. Although we cannot renounce it, we assure you that its use will be restricted and following the best practices in its use.

We must inform you that it is possible that your opposition to certain treatments may lead to the non-provision or execution of the contracted services or products, which is why we decline any type of liability derived from such situations.


Based on the legitimation of consent and/or the execution of the contract, your data may be transferred both to companies providing the contracted services located outside the European Economic Area and by legal obligation to public administrations of different States.

Likewise, as we are an Association with international presence, we inform you that it is possible that your data may be sent to external collaborators of the Almería Tourism Association in whom we have placed our trust to manage certain matters (for example, management of reservations and payments, shipments and administrative procedures of different types, etc.). In this sense, from The Association we assure you that they are subject to contracts and confidentiality clauses according to the legally established requirements.

In order to offer you wix payment methods , we may pass on to wix your personal data in the form of contact information as well as order details in the payment process, so that wix can evaluate whether you qualify for its payment methods. and also adapt the payment methods available to you. Your transferred personal data is processed in accordance with the privacy notice of the Association and its relationship with wix .

Likewise, we inform you that these service providers may be located outside the European Economic Area. If you wish to know the guarantees established for this international processing of your data, you can contact us at .

If Travel Almería carries out or participates in a merger, acquisition, reorganization, sale of assets or in a bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding, we may sell, transfer or share all or part of our assets, including your personal data. In any case, we would inform you in advance of this fact and inform you of the new applicable privacy policies.

How does the Almería Tourism Innovation Association use social networks?

We only use the Facebook plug -in to encourage you to follow our site. The rest of the possibilities for sharing information with social networks are done through simple direct links without plug -in technology.

Except in specific cases in which informed consent is requested for the processing of your data, no other use of data is carried out through social networks.

How does The Association use customer comments and the information you share with us about destinations?

After having enjoyed the services, you may want to share your impressions with The Association or with other travelers. The Association encourages you to do so, since it is the best instrument to continually improve our services.

Even if we do not send you a questionnaire about it, you can leave your opinions in our forums, where both The Association and other travelers can access.

As a logical consequence of sending comments to public access forums, you accept that all their content (including your user ID if you have made the comment in this way), can be published in the various forums that constitute the community of La Association, both on our website, social networks or mobile applications. Likewise, you accept and consent that the Association may use them (in whole or in part) at our discretion for marketing campaigns, communication or improvement of our services, in any of the channels of the Almería Tourism Association of Innovation as well as on platforms. social media, newsletters or communications.


In addition to our complete adaptation to the requirements that data protection legislation obliges us to take into account the type of data processed, we always use the most modern security, encryption and access control systems to avoid unauthorized access and/or improper use. of personal information. In this way, we ensure that access to your data can only be carried out by authorized personnel and for the functions duly assigned to them.


In addition to the already advised review of this Privacy Policy, you can exercise your rights of portability, access, rectification, limitation, deletion, opposition to processing and/or withdrawing your consent by sending us a communication in this regard - attaching a copy of your ID - either to the address of La Asociación at C/ Céspedes 4-B Duplicado, 04002 Almería, or by sending an e-mail to . You can unsubscribe from the Association's newsletters at any time by clicking on the "Unsubscribe" link, which you will find at the end of each newsletter or directly by e-mail to the address and click Unsubscribe at The issue.

We inform you that any exercise of the above rights to personal data will be carried out with the limitations imposed by the Law regarding legitimate rights and legal requirements (fiscal, administrative, etc.). In any case, opposition to the processing or deletion of data does not imply its immediate elimination, but rather, following the Law, the data will be archived for a limited time, with restricted access available to administrative and judicial authorities.

In any case, we remind you of your right regarding this Privacy Policy that assists you to make a claim to the Data Protection Agency that corresponds to you.

Origin and types of data

There are two ways to enjoy our services: through prior registration with The Association whose commercial name is TravelAlmeria and without prior registration with TravelAlmeria.

By making your reservation without prior registration at TravelAlmeria , you will provide us with the basic information required for the contracted service, such as your name, surname, email, nationality, passport or identity document information, telephone number, card information. credit to make the payment, names of other travelers, and any other information necessary for the provision of the service requested by the provider. These data will be stored or saved as indicated in the current Privacy Policy.

It is important that you know that we will only request that data that is necessary to be able to provide you with the service that you have requested from us. Regarding your credit card data, we will keep it duly encrypted and in compliance with regulations regarding data security standards ( PCI). DSS ).

If, as we hope, your relationship with the Almeria Tourism Innovation Association is going to be long, undoubtedly the best way to connect with us is by creating a user account. Through your personal settings you can select the optional data that you want to share in your profile in addition to the key or mandatory data (such as name or email) and you can offer us other optional data that can speed up your reservation processes and help us send you the information that best suits your interests. The Association reserves the right to access the accounts of its users for the purpose of account optimization and maintenance.

In both modalities you always have the option to subscribe to our newsletter without having to open an account or book a trip. In such cases, you will only be asked for the information essential to provide you with the service.

When you use our website and, in particular, when you use our mobile applications, we may receive, store and process different categories of data about your location, including general data (such as IP address and postal code) and more specific data (such as GPS functionality used to access the web). As long as your device allows it, you can deactivate the GPS function and other geographic location functions and prevent your device from providing us with this type of data.

Certain information (such as IP address, date and time of access, hardware and software you use, referring and exit pages, web navigation, number of clicks made, pages visited, the order of said visit and the time spent) may be automatically recorded by our servers every time you access or browse our website.

Likewise, we inform you that at we use cookies to improve your navigation and to be able to offer you the products and services that best suit your wishes. To know our Cookies Policy click here. In this sense, we inform you that we may also receive information about you when you use certain social media services.

However, we may process data, always linked to your relationship with us, by third parties (for example, service providers).


Our services are aimed at people over 18 years of age or minors with legal capacity to contract. Only non-emancipated minors who can demonstrate express and specific consent from their parent and/or guardian may use our services. Otherwise, we reserve the right to delete all information, as well as cancel the reservations themselves.

Links to other websites

The Association and its page, commercial name Travel Almeria provides links to other websites for your benefit and information. We cannot be responsible for the content provided on other independent sites and, in particular, we cannot control or assume any responsibility for the privacy policies of third-party sites. Third-party websites accessed through links on our website have their own privacy policies, so we recommend that you read and analyze them beforehand.

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